Category Archives: Not Reviews

NES Pinball w/ Famicom Adapter

I know there are about 20 of the original NES games that came with built-in Famicom converters. For those of you that weren’t already aware of this fact, basically, what Nintendo of America did was take the original Japanese PCBs from the Famicom games and add them onto an adapter that contained a lock-out chip so it could only be played on North American system. And is also essentially why American NES carts are so much bigger than Famicom carts. Anyway, of those original games with the adapters, the Japanese PCB would contain either the standard CHR and PRG mask roms, or black blobs – the latter I tend to see far more commonly. What I have never seen, until now, was the picture below.



I opened up my Pinball because I wanted to use the adapter for something else, but I immediately changed my mind once I saw the board. I have never before seen a Famicom board that looked like this, let alone any Nintendo game that had 2 PRG mask roms.

I did a little research and checked around to see if good ol’ Google would turn up anything, even just a picture of a similar board. Couldn’t find anything, so I just figured I’d share. I guess I’d like to know if anyone else has any games like this and just how common/rare these are.


I’ve been playing Xenoblade Chronicles X a lot lately and I think it’s a great game, though not without its flaws. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about today. Today, it’s about censorship. There’s really no point to anything I have to say. It’s just some stuff that crossed my mind, so if you’re busy, or looking for a more socially relevant story, feel free to go read something else. But if you came on the internet today, like so many others, to waste time, then please, read on.

Now when a game gets localized here from Japan, I expect there to be a good deal of changes and aspects censored because of this country’s outdated puritanical beliefs that the human body is shameful and that seeing any parts of it exposed is a corrupting force.

Typical mother of an 11 year-old boy – “Oh no way! This game has nudity in it. You can’t play that. What about this one though? This just has offensive language and mindless violence. That is far less offensive than the body nature gave us”

Anyway…the 2 main things that I discovered they censored are what drove me to write this.

1) During character creation of a female avatar, in the Japanese release, aside from changing their height, you can also adjust their bust size. Why remove this? Why have it in there in the first place for that matter? Well that one I can answer rather easily – It’s either fan service or if you’re creating an avatar for a game where you have a ton of customization options, why not have a wider range of options you can customize? But in this case, since there are really not too many options for character customization I would say it’s purely for fan service. Still though, why remove it? Probably because someone out there would complain that it “gives girls an unrealistic image of what the female form is supposed to look like,” or some other BS like that. Whatever. Get over it. It’s a video game. It’s a fantasy world where people can escape to. If some lonely, “hopeless romantic” gets his or her (let’s not discriminate now, women love tits too) jollies by running around an alien planet as a big busted bombshell, then let them have their fantasy.


Japan – that 2nd bar is for the bust size



2) The female characters in the game all have “armor” sets that are basically strips of fabric passing for underwear. One of the main characters in the game, Lin, is a 13 year-old, young girl. In the Japanese version, she, just like the other female characters, has this revealing armor. Her avatar was censored so that when equipping these particular pieces of armor, it would have a more modest appearance. As much as I think that censoring things is stupid, I also think that sexualizing 13 year olds is awful. I don’t see the point in censoring something in a video game, but then again I also don’t see the point of programming young girls to have sexy clothing unless you’re a sick pervert….but #japan


TG-16 Nearing Completion

There were a total of 94 games released in America for the Turbografx 16. Years ago I made it a mission to go about getting the entire library and it looks like I’m nearing completion.  It just so happens that the last dozen or so I need are ridiculously expensive for the most part.
Bomberman ’93
Bonk 3
Darkwing Duck
Hit the Ice
Legend of Hero Tonma – maybe possible one day? If I happen to catch someone off guard or they don’t realize what they have. I’ve seen it sell for up to $1,500 though and that’s way out of my range.
Magical Chase – never going to happen. I have never seen this game sell for less than $5,000. Unless someone bequeaths it to me or I murder someone for it, it’s never going into my collection.
Neutopia II
Parasol Stars
Soldier Blade
Somer Assault
Space Harrier
And lastly, manuals for  Samurai Ghost, Chase HQ, Air Zonk, and Shockman.

Fun With Beads!

perlerMore are coming….

What Dashing Box Art!

Hey….. what’s going on here?



Also, I like corny puns.

Gamergate – who cares?

Yeah I know I’m a little late on this. Haven’t really cared to keep up with current events since I’ve been so preoccupied with my newborn.

I only just learned about gamergate a few days ago and all I can say is, holy shit, what’s the fuss about? So some chick allegedly fucked someone to improve her position. Like this has never been done before. And it’s not like good reviews haven’t been bought off in various ways before. Since when is journalism about integrity and ethics? I always assume that any review that comes from a reviewer that isn’t completely independent is a paid for review anyway. Someone wants to fuck their way to the top – who cares? The only thing that makes Zoe Quinn a bad person is that she supposedly cheated on her partner, which should remain out of public scrutiny anyway since that in itself has not a god damn thing to do with video games, so ultimately, who cares?

And as I understand it, this became a whole big male vs female thing. Why? Is there some imagined slight that women feel they need to constantly prove themselves as gamers? Or does this really happen? Are guys really such assholes that they can’t offer some wiggle room to allow the girls a shot at the controller? Video games are neutral gender. That’s something that I’ve always enjoyed about them. Why was there fighting over this bullshit? The only fights with video games that ever really mattered are Nintendo vs Sega and Sony vs Microsoft, and even those are complete bullshit arguments. The point of video games and being a gamer is as follows: HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE ENTERTAINMENT. That’s it. That’s all video games need to be about, put as succinctly as possible. And if you disagree, then you’re in the wrong medium.

Gamesquad Squad


Our Twitch account has been successfully set up and we’ve got a few good episodes under our belts at this point. Hopefully some of you stop by and chat with us while we play. We’re welcome to any requests. Actually I’d happily take requests. It’s a chance to me to play some games that I’ve always wanted to but never really had the motivation to make happen. Plus Max is usually drunk and says stupid shit.

Anyway, we don’t have any sort of schedule set up yet. Our personal lives aren’t neatly scheduled, so it’s difficult to set up a gaming schedule. We’re trying to work something out though. if you wanna check us out.

Starting up Twitch Soon

Going to be streaming on Twitch in the near future. Monica, my wife, has never played Final Fantasy 6 before and she has been playing through 7 lately, and much to my delight, she has no idea why people like the game so much. She is an RPG fan, and does like Final Fantasy, but she never owned the original PSX. So I had her play 7 since she always asks about it and asks why people consider that to be the magnum opus by Square. I couldn’t answer her. I always thought the story was stupid and convoluted to the point of disinterest. I cannot relate with the Cloud at all, not to mention I hate his hair (sure that may be a little superficial, but it looks dumb) and everyone goes all emo on you all the time and whines and complains about everything.  Before everyone hates me for saying these things, understand that I do not dislike FF7, it’s just not as good as everyone says it is. It’s not even top 3 in the franchise.  She’s almost done with disc 1, but is getting bored already. She asked me which one was the best then, and again I couldn’t answer her. But I said if she wants a really good story, then she needs to play 6. Compared to FF6, FF7 is donkey piss.

Hyrule Warriors is coming out Friday, so I plan on streaming that with Max. So other than Final Fantasy 6 and Hyrule Warriors, anyone have any requests? There’s a lot of good games out there I haven’t played myself and figured this would be a good chance to give them a go.

StarFox Cosplay Help

A friend of mine and myself are planning on doing some cosplay as Falco and Fox from StarFox. We both have zero experience in this field and a relatively nonexistent budget. Hoping to get some help here. Specifically, if anyone might have an extra fox, or blue avian head gear. They don’t even have to be good. Actually, it would be even better if they look like crap, just as long as they remotely resemble the characters from StarFox.

Pokemon X & Y – Ready to rock!!

My friend code, incase anyone wants to get that Pokemon going.

