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TG-16 Nearing Completion

There were a total of 94 games released in America for the Turbografx 16. Years ago I made it a mission to go about getting the entire library and it looks like I’m nearing completion.  It just so happens that the last dozen or so I need are ridiculously expensive for the most part.
Bomberman ’93
Bonk 3
Darkwing Duck
Hit the Ice
Legend of Hero Tonma – maybe possible one day? If I happen to catch someone off guard or they don’t realize what they have. I’ve seen it sell for up to $1,500 though and that’s way out of my range.
Magical Chase – never going to happen. I have never seen this game sell for less than $5,000. Unless someone bequeaths it to me or I murder someone for it, it’s never going into my collection.
Neutopia II
Parasol Stars
Soldier Blade
Somer Assault
Space Harrier
And lastly, manuals for  Samurai Ghost, Chase HQ, Air Zonk, and Shockman.

Bloody Wolf

Awesome game. Off the top of my head, I’d have to say it’s my favorite Turbografx game ever. The ONLY thing that keeps this game from being absolute top tier over Contra is the lack of a 2nd player. If this was a 2 player game, this would easily be the best game of it’s type. However, what kind of puts it into a class of it’s own is that it’s not necessarily a side-scroller. There are a lot more elements to it such as life upgrades, items, and hostage rescues, as opposed to just getting weapon drops.


The first official Gamesquad Squad Turbografx longplay. Currently, it will also be the only one for awhile since immediately after playing this, the sound went out on the system, so now I have to replace all the caps. Just waiting for them to arrive.

Quick interesting fact about this: My game is apparently glitched and I never knew that until I saw what the game is actually supposed to look like. The floor on the first stage is totally broken.